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SEO Gold Coast

SEO Agency Gold Coast

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SEO Specialist Gold Coast​

Is your website struggling to bring in traffic?

Get in touch with the Resurge Digital team; we can help you with Gold Coast SEO.

Call 1300 659 035 now to speak with a Gold Coast SEO Specialist.

SEO Gold Coast Business Owners Know to Work

No-Nonsense SEO for No-Nonsense Results

No matter how cleverly branded or well-designed your website is, it is nothing but a pretty image on your monitor if nobody else can find it. Using SEO, we can help your website reach people already searching for businesses, products and services like yours. This is the power of inbound marketing. Don’t force your way into a market and, instead, appeal to searchers who are already looking to buy goods or hire services from you. Continue reading to find out how our Gold Coast SEO services can help a business owner like you to get more out of their website. Call us on 1300 659 035 now to get started.

We have built our SEO with the principles of inbound marketing in focus. Does your website answer the information and service questions or product searches of your prospective customers? We will ensure that it does. When a person searches the web, search engines match websites in their indexes against the keywords those searchers have used to find the pages that best answer their questions. We match your web presence to how your prospective customers search for companies like yours. Our goal is to increase your chances of getting found when you are being searched for.

There is a lot of ‘pretend’ SEO on the Gold Coast SEO scene, but we are different. Our work is visible and transparent. We always work hard; we are always looking for new ways of improving your website. You can always see what work we are doing, as we keep on updating your website.

Our Gold Coast SEO Services:

Every single one of our Gold Coast SEO campaigns is informed by our own research, and based on solid evidence that we use to form the foundation of everything we do. We start with a comprehensive technical search engine optimisation audit and review of your website. We take the time to analyse how well your site reflects what your business does (and what it can do). We do not stop there though. We spend the time required to understand your desired audience and to ensure that your pages respond to the needs of your potential customers and clients. Our methods are also constantly evolving. We always try and test new ideas to make sure we are providing your business with a cutting edge service that works.

Domain Checks

Does your domain name appear trustworthy? Maybe it does not reflect the nature of your business very well? The age of your domain can also be a factor in your website's ranking ability. We check the SEO sensitive aspects of your domain name to develop a strategy to overcome any such problems.

Hosting Checks

Your web hosting provider could be serving your website from a location far from your actual place of business. Worse yet they could be serving it far from where your target audience is. Your host could be limiting the server resources allocated to your website and limit the ability of your pages to show content to visitors. We can assess all these elements to work with your host in resolving any such issues. We typically only recommend moving away as a last resort, and we are always happy to make recommendations that suit a range of budgets.

Regular Auditing

Working on your website, adding pages, uploading content, installing plugins, tweaking and making changes, may create problems affecting the quality of your website from the search engine perspective. Our automated website audit runs monthly crawls of your website to tell us if anything new needs fixing so that we can get onto any problems as they arise.

Technical SEO

Working to improve the technical quality of your website is the basis of our approach to SEO. We focus on technical SEO. We find and fix broken links, amend your redirections, improve your website's linking structure, speed your website up as much as possible, optimise your sitemaps and much, much more. There is no filler in the work we do, every action we take, every decision that we make in recommending or making changes to your website is informed and serves to accomplish a clearly defined goal.

Comprehensive Keyword Research

Every single one of our Gold Coast SEO campaigns is built around comprehensive keyword research designed to find out how your potential clients and customers search the Internet for products, services and businesses like yours. Why is this important? We, as business owners, think about and talk about our companies, services and products as industry insiders. Keyword research reveals how the people we want to sell our work to, search for it on the web. This allows us, as your digital marketing experts, to tailor your web presence to the needs of people who are already looking to spend money with you.

Content Review

No doubt your website reflects how you understand your services, products or your business, but consider if your target audience uses the same words to search for what you sell or do. Searching the web is a question-answer exchange. With comprehensive keyword research at the start of your campaign, we inform ourselves on what content your website should have, what key phrases and words should it use, and how to structure it. We check if all of the search engine optimisation sensitive elements of your are site optimised, to make sure that they are, in fact, optimised.

Informed Content Strategy

If your website is to rank, it needs content. "Content is king" is not just a catch phrase, there is real meaning behind it - your website needs text. Search engines, just like your human visitors, need context to accurately rank your website and its pages for the keywords that your prospective customers use to find your business. We continuously analyse your website content against the search trends of your target audiences to make sure that your pages directly respond to the needs of those target audiences.

Backlink Assessment

Backlinks (when a third party website references yours on their pages) have long been pitched as the be-all and end-all in the SEO industry. Make no mistake, they are important, but do you really understand how they work in the favour of your business? What kind of backlinks really do work and which ones does your company website need? Our answer is "the links that help your business get found by people who are looking to buy products or services from you without getting you in trouble with search engines". We review who is linking to you and how, to make sure your backlinks are working for your and not against you.

Backlink Profile Expansion

Rather than wasting your time on scoping out websites that will never link to your business unless you are willing to pay them a lot of money (which, by the way, is very much against search engine policies), we prefer to spend our time listing your business on sites that we know will not get you in trouble, and will still work for you. Contrary to the many self-proclaimed SEO gurus on the web, we prefer to avoid parroting what others say and focus on strategies we have ourselves tested and which we know to work. We maintain a curated list of evidence-backed approaches that work. Any strategy we are willing to use on your website, was first tested on our own. You know that you are in good hands, because anything we will recommend for your website, was first tried and tested on our own. If you found us on Google or Bing, you know it works.

SEO Brisbane Ranking Increase Illustration of a Cartoon Man Happy About His Organi Search Growth Graphs

A Queensland Based Agency Offering SEO Gold Coast Business Owners Trust

Our SEO agency is a team of committed professionals, with more than a decade of experience in advertising, marketing, business and e-commerce each.

We are all experienced individuals who understand what your business means to you and why you do it. We never outsource, ever. Our work is done in-house by real people you can, and are always welcome to, meet personally. Give us a call, and drop by our office to find out for yourself.

Your Gold Coast SEO Team


Head of Technical Search Engine Optimisation


Search Engine Optimisation Consultant
SEO Specialist & Account Manager
SEO Specialist & Account Manager
SEO Specialist & Content Writer
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Supercharge Your Business With Resurge Digital

Call 1300 659 035 today to speak with a Gold Coast SEO Specialist or leave us a message below.

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Frequently Asked SEO Questions

If you would like to rank higher in as many search engines as possible to increase your website traffic and awareness, then SEO is for you. If your business does not depend on online traffic, you will still benefit from SEO, thanks to the increased online visibility of your business.

If your Google Ads campaigns or Social Media Marketing campaigns are already performing well, you may want to consider adding SEO so that your eggs are not all in the same basket. SEO always works better as a part of a broader online marketing strategy, and we encourage you to explore our other digital marketing services.

We are generally able to work with any reasonably modern content management system and with custom-built websites. If you own a WordPress website, we have a WordPress SEO expert and a WordPress SEO consultant at Resurge Digital. Each is a Yoast SEO expert with a track record of delivering results and keyword ranking improvements for WordPress websites. 

Our reliable web design service can help you, if you would like to move an existing website to WordPress or if you need a website built from scratch.

Our SEO methodology has a proven track record of delivering results for clients in industries ranging from medical, legal, retail and e-commerce to trades and services (and more). Your best interests and the performance of your business is not always a priority for search engines, but it is for us. At Resurge Digital, your success is our success.

We will do anything and everything we can to improve your rankings and traffic as much as possible. Search Engine Optimisation is often a long process. If you require a shorter-term solution, we recommend our PPC management service for visibility when it matters the most.

At Resurge Digital, we offer three tiers of SEO business plans: Silver starting at AU $1,500 per month, Gold from AU $2,500 per month, and Platinum beginning at AU $4,000 per month. If none of these options seem to suit your particular situation, please call us on 1300 659 035 to discuss your SEO needs with us. We can usually create a customised plan tailored to your circumstances.

If you’re visiting on mobile, please tap the telephone icon in the bottom left corner of this page or touch this number: 1300 659 035, to call us. To get started with Resurge, you can also use the Facebook Messenger icon in the bottom right corner of this page to send us an instant message or fill out the contact form on this page, and we will get back to you. If you see this message in Google Search results, please click through to our website first.

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