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How to Get More Google Reviews for Your Business

When it comes to potential clients searching for your business online, they almost always turn to Google. Along with showcasing your Google business profile and location, the search engine also shows reviews that customers have left for your business. The more positive reviews, the higher your star rating, which in turn encourages more people to engage with your services.

There is no surefire way for how to get more Google reviews, however, as not everyone is inclined to give their feedback once their business has concluded. Even so, there are ways to encourage your clientele to provide a Google review without coming across as imposing.

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Our Guide on How to Get More Google Reviews

Ask Your Customers

You may think this solution is too simple, but sometimes all it takes to get a Google review is to ask your clients once their transaction has been finalised. By politely asking with a smile and informing them of how a review can help improve your business, it increases the likelihood of your clients helping you out. Even if they do not leave an online review, they may still provide you with in-person feedback that is valuable.

Add a QR Code to Your Receipts

Often the best way to get someone to do something for you is to make it easy as possible, and you can do this attaching a QR code linked to your customer’s receipts. When scanned, this code will take customers straight to the review page, avoiding the need for them to take the time to Google your business themselves. Attach a friendly message below the code to inform customers of its purpose.

Follow Up with an Email

When you operate an online store, it can be hard to communicate with customers as you are lacking face to face contact. Whenever someone has made a purchase, follow up with an email thanking them and asking if they can take the time to provide a review on Google. Attach a link to your Google page to make the process as simple as possible. These emails are also a wise choice if you operate a loyalty program, allowing you to contact your customers even if they make an in-store purchase.

Feature a Link on Your Website

If you are searching for how to get more Google reviews, consider adding a direct link on your website. Surround it with some text to inform viewers of the link’s purpose, and how leaving a review can improve your services, and in turn, benefit your customers. As for where to place the link, your home page typically sees the most activity, while you can also attach it to a header or footer that is visible on every page.

Respond to Your Existing Reviews

A good way of encouraging more Google reviews is to respond to all the ones you receive, which shows you value your customer’s feedback and take the time to engage with them. Thank those that have left positive reviews and reply to the negative ones while apologising for the experience and saying you will take the feedback on board. New customers who see this will know that if they leave a review, it will not be left unread.

Showcase a Google Reviews Page on Your Website

By dedicating a page to Google reviews, you can visually show your viewers the kinds of feedback they can leave and how it benefits your business. There are website plug-ins available that populate the page with Google reviews, while containing a review box for customers to fill in. Often people are inspired to do something once they see others already taking part, and featuring these reviews will give clients inspiration for what to write.

Highlight Positive Reviews on Social Media

If you receive a particularly glowing review, don’t be afraid to post it on your social media pages for your followers to see. This shows that you value feedback and take the time to read through the reviews you are sent. This in turn encourages future customers to leave reviews for your business, knowing they are not wasting their time.

Seeking Digital Marketing?

At Resurge Digital, we are the SEO Brisbane team you can rely on to deliver high quality results. Our digital marketing services are designed to increase your engagement levels with potential customers while boosting your rankings on search engines such as Google. If you would like to learn more, or you are ready to get started, give us a call on 1300 659 035, send an email to [email protected], or enquire online.

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